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Single Day Booking Form

You absolute beacon of excellence, you! 

You're about to sign up to exhibit at one of our amazing single-day Wedding Shows!

You're doing the right thing. Our Wedding Shows are second-to-none! And it's not just the high footfall we're known for, but for eager, ready-to-book couples that can't wait to meet you.

Complete the form below to exhibit with us, and let us brighten your wedding business!

This is a Booking Form, if you submit this form, an invoice will follow. If you're not yet ready to book, this isn't the form for you! 
Try our Contact Form instead

Where Would You Like To Exhibit

  • Select the shows you would like to exhibit at

About Your Business

  • We only publish your town in the show guide. All other address details are confidential.
  • If different from contact email address
  • If different from contact email address

Optional Extras

  • Our mini-magazine Show Guides are given to every couple that attends the show, and because they’re chock full of helpful info, they hang onto them! Add longevity to your marketing by taking out an advert in the Show Guide.
    Adverts must be supplied as per the specification on your invoice. If you need to use our design service, an extra charge will be made to cover this.
  • Want to gain a little extra brand awareness on the day? You can opt to place a roller banner in a high-traffic area of the show (typically corridors and entrance areas).
    Banners must be supplied by the Exhibitor, and given to a member of Team Wedding Scene no later than 1hr before doors opens.


Our Terms & Conditions


    In these Terms and Conditions, the following expressions shall have the following meanings: ‘the Exhibitor’ shall mean any person, firm or company who has ordered display space and has been allocated display space at the Exhibition. ‘The Contract’ shall mean the Booking Confirmation issued to you, in conjunction with the Terms & Conditions outlined in this document. ‘The Organiser’ shall mean The Wedding Scene Limited. ‘The Stand’ shall mean the space which has been allocated to the Exhibitor. ‘The Exhibition’ shall mean the wedding show onto which you have booked/reserved a Stand, and ‘the Venue’ shall mean the venue at which the Exhibition is held. 

    Information given by the Organisers about the Exhibition is accurate to the best of their knowledge but does not constitute any warranty or representation by the Organisers, and therefore any mistake or omission does not entitle the Exhibitor to cancel its space booking.


    1. SPACE
    For any applications for a space/stand at the Exhibition, The Organiser reserves absolute discretion as to granting or refusing space or allocating space in any position without assigning any reason. These Terms and Conditions shall come into force between the Organiser and the Exhibitor forthwith when space has been allocated and written notice of such allocation has been given to the Exhibitor. 


    2. PAYMENT
    Exhibitors may only consider themselves as having reserved their space upon return of the Booking Confirmation and/or cleared funds having been received by the Organiser as a non-refundable deposit, paid in accordance with their invoice terms. 

    For single-day Exhibitions (where hows, a non-refundable deposit of 30% of the booking total is required. 

    For The Ultimate Wedding Show and all Shows with two or more live days, the payment terms are below;


    If the Exhibitor books their stand 7 months or more ahead of the show start date, the following payment options shall be made available to them;

    1. Deposit + 40/40 Instalments
      20% of the total booking value as a non-refundable deposit (payable within 1 week of booking).
      40% of the total booking value is due 6 months before the show start date (i.e. show starts 24/02/2024, the first instalment must be received no later than 24/08/2023).
      40% of the total booking value is due 3 months before the show start date (i.e. show starts 24/02/2024, the second instalment must be received no later than 24/11/2023).
    2. Deposit + Direct Debit
      20% of the total booking value as a non-refundable deposit (payable within 1 week of booking).
      Remainder to be paid via monthly instalments via GoCardless with balance to be paid in full 3 months before the show start date.
    3. Payment in Full
      100% of the total booking value is to be paid, this option may, at the discretion of the Organiser, attract a discount.


    If the Exhibitor books their stand with less than 7 months but more than 4 months until the show start date, the following payment options shall be made available to them;

    1. Deposit + Remainder
      50% of the total booking value as a non-refundable deposit (payable within 1 week of booking).
      50% of the total booking value is due 3 months before the show start date (i.e. show starts 24/02/2024, the remaining balance must be received no later than 24/11/2023).
    2. Deposit + Direct Debit
      50% of the total booking value as a non-refundable deposit (payable within 1 week of booking).
      Remainder to be paid via monthly instalments via GoCardless.
    3. Payment in Full
      100% of the total booking value is to be paid, this option may, at the discretion of the Organiser, attract a discount.

    If the Exhibitor books their stand with less than 4 months until the show start date, the following payment options shall be made available to them;

    Payment in Full
    100% of the total booking value as a non-refundable deposit (payable within 1 week of booking).

    The chosen payment option will be stated on the Booking Confirmation/Invoice. 

    If the Exhibitor is late in paying an instalment, the Organiser reserves the right to charge a late payment fee of 3% of the booking value, in addition to the costs of the booking, to cover admin costs. This fee is chargeable at each instance of the payment being late. Any sums which remain unpaid by the due date for payment under the Contract shall incur interest on a daily basis at the statutory interest rate of 8% plus the Bank of England base rate.

    For Exhibitions which are open to the public for one day, the remaining balance of the booking, as detailed in the Booking Confirmation, less the 30% deposit, is due 2 calendar months before the Exhibition. If the Exhibitor fails to make payment of the outstanding balance, the booking will be cancelled, the deposit retained, and the Stand returned for resale.


    If the Exhibitor fails to pay any sum due in the time and manner agreed herein, the Organiser may in writing require the Exhibitor to forego the display space allocated to them without the Organiser being under any liability to refund or abate charges paid or due herein. 


    In the event of the Exhibitor cancelling this Agreement at any time, the deposit referred to in Clause 2 shall be forfeited to the Organiser. In addition, the Exhibitor shall be liable for 50% of the balance of the total sum of the booking as specified on the Booking Confirmation if cancellation is advised less than six months but more than three months before the Exhibition and 100% of the balance of the total sum of the booking if cancellation is advised less than three months before the Exhibition. The date of cancellation shall be the date that the Organiser receives the notice sent by the Exhibitor in writing, either by registered mail or by receipted email. Any sum payable must be settled in full by the invoice date. The Organiser reserves the right to charge daily interest at the Statutory Interest rate (8% plus the Bank of England base rate), plus Compensation for Court fees, charged by the late payment legislation. 

    The Exhibitor may, at the discretion of the Organiser, transfer their booking to another Exhibition managed by the Organiser. Requests to transfer a booking must be requested in writing. At the Organiser’s discretion, the request will be agreed if there is not an existing saturation of the Exhibitor’s category, and if the requested changes are not financially detrimental to the Organiser. All transfer requests agreed by the Organiser will incur a one-off £25 + VAT administrative fee which is payable before the transfer is actioned. Confirmation of the transfer will be sent to the Exhibitor upon the transfer being actioned.

    In the event of the Exhibitor becoming bankrupt or making a composition with his creditors or going into liquidation or being under any appointment of a receiver, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel any display space allocation without being under any liability to refund or abate any charges paid or due herein.

    In the event that the Exhibitor ceases trading for any reason, The Organiser deems this to be a cancellation by the Exhibitor and the same terms apply. 


    All exhibits must be on view and in charge of a competent representative of the Exhibitor during the whole of the time that the Exhibition is open. Stands must be ready for the public at least 15 minutes before the advertised opening time of the Exhibition. Stands are not to be closed until the advertised closing time on any day where the Exhibition is open to the public unless previous permission is given by the Organiser. 

    The closure of Stands ahead of the advertised closing time may lead to any future bookings being cancelled and the deposits thereof, being forfeited.

    Exhibits shall be arranged so as not to obstruct the general view or hide the exhibits of others. Plans for specially built booths or displays must be submitted to the Organiser for approval before the commencement of the Exhibition. No Exhibitor shall obstruct or allow to be obstructed by his goods or in any other manner gangways and open spaces. If in the opinion of the Organiser, the Exhibitor’s booth or display extends his allocated area, the Organiser may, at his sole discretion, charge the Exhibitor for the extra display space occupied at the prevailing rate. Should any dispute arise as to the display space allocation, or as to the extent of any extra display space deemed by the Organiser to be occupied by the Exhibitor beyond that allocated, the decision of the Organiser shall be final. The Organiser reserves the right to relocate the Exhibitor if, in its absolute discretion, it thinks such reallocation is necessary for the best interests of the Exhibition. The Organiser shall without notice be entitled to access at all reasonable times to the stand.

    Open flames are not permitted and any candles displayed must be unused, unlit candles to ensure compliance with this rule. LED candles may be used without restriction. 


    The installation of exhibits may be commenced as specified in the Exhibitor’s information pack and must be completed and ready for inspection before the advertised opening time. Exhibitors must bear all expenses of transport both to and from the Exhibition and must personally or through their accredited representative unpack and install their exhibits. Exhibitors are held responsible for any damage done or caused by the transportation, installation or handling of their goods and should affect insurance against such risks. All cases containing goods for exhibition must bear special labels inside, as well as outside, with the address of the consignee. All cases must be unpacked immediately on arrival. The Organisers will remove all loose packing material and all empty packing cases from the Exhibition Building before the opening of the Exhibition daily, and no packing or unpacking may be done after opening. No exhibit may be packed, removed or dismantled from the Exhibition Buildings before the advertised closing time on the date of closing, save with the written authority of the Organisers. Every Exhibitor is responsible for the removal of his property from the Exhibition Grounds and/or buildings, and such goods must be removed by the times specified within the Exhibitor Information. The Exhibitor shall make good and indemnify the Organiser for any damage to the premises or to any shell scheme provided by the Organiser whether such damage is caused by the Exhibitor, his agents, contractors or employees.

    Children under the age of 16 are not permitted into the event areas during the get-in and get-out times.


    The Exhibitor shall comply fully with all statutes rules regulations bylaws or other requirements whether for ensuring safety or for any other purpose whatsoever affecting the use of the Exhibition building and with all the requirements of the health and safety executive, the Police and Fire Authorities and of the Venue as licensing Authority and to obtain all licences consents and approvals as may be necessary. All inflammable materials shall be fireproofed or otherwise processed against fire by any statutory or local regulations or requirements to which the Exhibition may be subject. LPG Gas is not permitted on the premises


    If it appears to the Organiser that the Exhibitor may be engaged in activities which are deemed to be contrary to the best interests of the Exhibition or which appear unethical or to be in breach of the law, the Organiser may, without being under any liability to refund or abate any charges paid or due herein, cancel any display space allocation which may have been made to the Exhibitor and require him forthwith to vacate the display space allocated to him and refuse the Exhibitor the right to participate further in the Exhibition

    Canvassing for orders, except by the Exhibitor on his stand in the normal course of his business, is strictly prohibited. If an Exhibitor is found to be canvassing outside of their stand, the right of expulsion will at once be exercised without any refund being due to the Exhibitor and the Exhibitor’s business will be banned from attending future events managed by the Organiser. 

    The distribution or display of printed or other placards, handbills, circulars, or other articles except by the Exhibitor on his own display space is prohibited

    The following are excluded from the Exhibition: explosives, detonating or fulminating compounds, and all dangerous or harmful substances, including primings, matches and similar objects can only be exhibited in the form of imitations and on the condition that they contain no inflammable matter. Only goods described at the time of application may be displayed on a stand, and any goods not approved by the Organisers must be removed from the building. Copyright and Provisional Patent Protection: No object exhibited may be photographed, drawn, copied or reproduced in any manner without the written consent of the Organiser.

    Canvassing of any description by an unauthorised person is strictly prohibited and will result in expulsion.

    Leafleting of the Fashion Show seating is only permitted by the Show Organisers, Venue, Show Sponsors and Fashion Show participants. 

    The Organiser, its agents or employees shall not be liable for any loss, theft, damage or injury to persons or property from any cause whatsoever during the Exhibition or whilst based at the Organiser’s premises. Information given by the Organisers and their agents about the Exhibition is accurate to the best of their knowledge but does not constitute any warranty or representation by the Organisers, and therefore any mistake or omission does not entitle the Exhibitor to cancel its space booking or request any refunds. 


    10. INDEMNITY 
    The Exhibitor shall defend the Organiser from and indemnify against any liability for injury to persons or property arising from any cause whatsoever in connection with the participation in the Exhibition by the Exhibitor, his agents, contractors or employees. 



    Without prejudice to his liability to indemnify the Venue and the Organiser, under Paragraph 9 to effect and maintain at his sole expense with a reputable insurance company such comprehensive insurances as are necessary to cover any liability arising under Paragraph 9 such insurance cover shall not be less than ONE MILLION Pounds (£1,000,000.00) in respect of any one incident and the insurance policy effecting such cover shall have the interest of the Organiser endorsed thereon and on request shall be produced to and approved by the Organiser. The Exhibitor shall be responsible, either by insurance or otherwise, to protect against loss or damage to their exhibits, display material or fixtures whilst at the exhibition venue, arising from any cause whatsoever. 

    If the premises where the Exhibition is to be held shall, in the sole determination of the Organiser become unfit or unavailable for occupancy, or shall be substantially interfered with because of fire, flood, tempest, or any other such cause or as a result of government intervention, malicious damage, acts of war, explosion, acts of God, strike, lockout, labour dispute, picketing, embargo, injunction, riot or any cause or agency over which the Organiser has no control; or should the Organiser decide that owing to any such cause or agency it is necessary or advisable to curtail, relocate or change the date of the Exhibition or reduce the planned period of preparation, display or dismantling, the Exhibitor waives any and all claims he might have against the Organiser for refunds, damages or expenses. Under any of these circumstances, the Organiser reserves the right, without being under any liability to the Exhibitor for refunds, additional expenses or otherwise, to change the location and or date of the Exhibition upon reasonable notice to the Exhibitor. 


    In the event of the cancellation of the Exhibition by the Organiser as a result of the circumstances specified in Clause 12, the Organiser shall be entitled to retain or receive on account of working expenses 25 per cent of the total sum payable for space by the Exhibitor and any balance of the total sum paid by the Exhibitor shall be repaid by the Organiser to the Exhibitor. If the Organiser cancels the Exhibition as a result of commercial reasons such as lack of support, then all charges paid by the Exhibitor will be refunded. The Exhibitor agrees that under these circumstances, he will have no further claim against the Organiser. 


    In the event of the event being cancelled due to Covid-19 government guidance or legislation, the event will be rescheduled to a new date, at least 3 months ahead of the previous date. In this instance, your booking will be transferred to the new date automatically. If you are unable to accept this date, you may ask to exhibit at one of our other shows if the date is more favourable, however, this will be dependent on category availability and the stand being of equal value. You may take a stand of a greater value than originally booked, but the fee difference must be paid at least 6 weeks before the show date.


    The Infringement of any of the terms of this Agreement will subject the Exhibitor to the forfeiture of his space and the removal of himself, his employees and his goods from the Buildings, without liability attaching to the Organisers in any way whatsoever in consequence of such removal, nor shall such removal release the Exhibitor from any payment for which he may still be liable. The question as to whether any such terms have been infringed, whether the Exhibitor’s space has been forfeited, and whether he, his employees and his goods shall be removed are to be determined according to the sole discretion of the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to interpret, amend and enforce these Terms and Conditions as it deems proper to assure the success of the Exhibition. 


    Exhibitions open to the public for one day are eligible for tables and chairs within the Stand fee. The Exhibitor must provide their requirements no less than two weeks ahead of the Exhibition. Failure to do so may result in the Organiser being unable to fulfil your request and will not be held liable for any additional costs incurred to fulfil your requirement.

    Exhibitions open to the public for two days utilise shell scheme booths; as such, no furniture is provided by The Organiser. The Exhibitor may bring their own to form part of their display but must fit within the confines of the booked Stand. The Exhibitor may hire from the Organiser, their required furniture, the Organiser will invoice the Exhibitor for this and the invoice must be paid within the terms stated on the invoice. The Exhibitor must provide their requirements no less than two weeks ahead of the Exhibition. Failure to do so may result in the Organiser being unable to fulfil your request and will not be held liable for any additional costs incurred to fulfil your requirement.


    The Exhibitor must provide their requirements no less than two weeks ahead of the Exhibition. Failure to do so may result in the Organiser being unable to fulfil your request.

    Bookings for The Ultimate Wedding Show at any location, or single day Exhibitions held at Bournemouth International Centre, are not eligible for electricity within their stand fee. 

    Exhibitors are free to utilise alternative power sources such as power banks provided they evidence compliance with requirements for electrical goods such as Portable Appliance Testing and meet relevant safety standards.


    Exhibitors must hire at their own expense from the Organiser all necessary electrical connections, spotlights, fluorescent tubes etc. (See requirements form). Connections will only be made by the Organiser’s Electricians at the Exhibitor’s expense. In the event of Exhibitors erecting pre-wired stands, the Organiser, in addition to reserving the right to charge a connection fee, also, in the interests of safety, will determine whether the wiring of such stand is properly carried out in accordance with the current Institute of Engineering & Technology Requirements for Electrical Installations (BS7671). The inspection and testing of the installation shall be at the exhibitor’s expense. Where any pre-wired stand falls below this standard, the Organiser will not carry out the electrical connection. 

    All Exhibitors Electrical equipment, including portable appliances, must comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations. The Organisers shall be the sole Contractor in respect of any plumbing work required to be undertaken on any exhibition stand and will quote Exhibitors for their requirements. 


    The floor of the buildings must not be cut or damaged, nor shall any structural portion of the buildings, nor any barriers erected by the Organisers be in any way interfered with, nor shall any stand or exhibit be in any way attached to the floors or structural portion of the buildings or barriers without permission in writing having been previously obtained from the Organiser. 

    The Exhibitor shall not assign or sub-let any space allocated or any part thereof without the consent of the Organisers in writing. In the event of any such sub-letting, the Exhibitor will be held responsible and accept full responsibility for the observance of and compliance with these regulations by the persons to whom any space may be sub-let. 


    The exhibitor must provide, upon request of the Organiser, a written statement of their Health & Safety Policy and any risk assessment and method statements appertaining to the use of or in connection with the Exhibition no later than Thirty (30) days after the request has been made. 



    The Exhibitor will be issued these terms with a Booking Confirmation or Estimate by the Organiser when the Exhibitor has not requested to make payment in full. Acceptance of the Booking Confirmation will result in a deposit invoice being issued by our software. Furthermore, acceptance of the Booking Confirmation or Estimate indicates that you have read and accepted these Terms and as such, agree to be bound by the same. If the Exhibitor is ineligible for any payment options other than payment in full, or they have selected this option, these Terms will be available as annexure to the Invoice and any payment received indicates that you have read and accepted these Terms and as such, agree to be bound by the same.



    This contract, in addition to the Booking Confirmation, represents the full and entire agreement between the parties. No statement, representation, promise or condition not contained in this agreement can and should be allowed to contradict, modify or affect in any manner whatsoever the terms thereof.

Your Signature


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay extra for electricity?

Generally, no, we just ask that you let us know on your booking form if you do need it. 

The exception to this rule, are shows held at Bournemouth International Centre, and our two day shows as these venues charge us electricity in addition to hiring the venue.

We will craft the floorplan based on everyone's requirements so if there's something you need, please let us know in good time and we'll make sure you're in the right spot for your needs.

Can I supply magazines for your shows?

Yes, please!

We LOVE printed media and welcome it whole-heartedly for our couples.

If you wish to provide this, you are welcome to either visit and meet us - we ask that you arrive by 9:30 so that we can receive you and distribute the magazines effectively.

Or, you can pop them in the post to us at The Wedding Scene Limited, 30 Salisbury Street, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 7AR.

We provide 75 goody bags per show (200 for The Ultimate Wedding Show), and ask that magazines are to this number as a minimum. 

If you wish to send more, we will gladly present them in the welcome, inspiration and chill out areas of the show for the guests to enjoy and take home with them.

Which forms of payment do you accept?

We accept;

  • BACS
  • Cheque
  • Card Payment via Stripe
  • GoCardless - if you are paying by Direct Debit

We would prefer electronic means of payment, and not to receive cash, as it just means an extra trip to the bank

Do I need insurance to exhibit with The Wedding Scene?

In a word, yes. As a minimum, you will need Public Liability insurance to exhibit with us. 

If your business is not one that usually deals with the public, other than at a wedding fair, there are very reasonably priced policies available as trade show exhibitors. Markel Direct is excellent in this regard.

What’s the booking process?

To book your place at one of our single day shows, regardless of the stand price, we take a £50 deposit.

We will send a Booking Confirmation to you once we have accepted your booking, within that Confirmation, along with your business details to check and make sure we have right, will be the deposit value for your selected show, and a card payment gateway (we use Stripe) so that you can pay it conveniently.

If you don't pay the deposit, we can't hold a stand for you so it's really important that you do this as soon as you're able.

Once we've received your deposit, we raise a full invoice, allocate your deposit to it and the due date will be 6 weeks before the show.


So how do I get a discount?

We all love to feel rewarded with a little discount - so how does 10% sound? 

If you book 3 or more shows of the same category at once (booked by paying all deposits at once), you automatically receive a 10% discount on those shows.

When we invoice you for the final balance, you'll see that the discount has been applied to the total stand fee.

Categories are Single Day Shows and The Ultimate Wedding Show. A discount will not be given for 2 single day shows, and 1 booking at The Ultimate Wedding Show.

What’s included in the stand fee?

Where to start! OK, you get;

  • Your stand space - the edges of which are defined to make life super easy
  • A trestle table (if required)
  • Somewhere to park your bottom (unless you LOVE standing for hours on end)
  • Electric - if you need it (chargeable at BIC & all two-day shows)
  • Inclusion in the Goody Bag
  • We will include up to 75 leaflets or other marketing literature/items in the goody bags as standard
  • Your Business Details in the Show Guide
  •  Pre-Show Promotion
  •  After-Show Promotion
  •  Networking
  • Best Stand Competition
  • Front Cover Star Competition

and lots more besides, but check out our Media Pack to see all the perks that come from working with us

Besides exhibiting, how else can I get involved?

Our wedding shows are action-packed, so if you're exhibiting with us, there are always more ways to get involved and get some extra exposure for your business. Have you thought about contributing to;

  • The Wedding Decor Inspiration Area
  • The Fashion Show
  • The Wedding Information Station
  • Venue Decoration

Get in touch to discuss!

Do you do last minute discounts?

No, abso-blinking-lutely not.

I was a wedding supplier, and do you know how many times I was exhibiting next to someone, with the same size stand, who had paid half the price I did? Countless times, and I was no less livid each time.

We reward the organised only, we offer discounts of 10% for multiple bookings, and we might give a discretionary discount if you're helping us out with something for the show but categorically no last minute space filler discounts will be given. Please don't ask, it is insulting to us, and to all of your peers.